April 23, 2008

Registration for proposals

The proposals for a lecture to the symposium would contain: name and surname, addresses, discipline or/and profession, research centre, an abstract of the lecture (one page, Word, Times 12, simple spacing) and a curriculum vitae (one page).

To be sent before the 15th of June 2008 to:


IRHiS Septentrion - Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion
UMR 8529 - Université de Lille 3 / CNRS
Domaine universitaire du Pont de Bois- B.P. 60 149
59 659 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex

The scientific comity of the symposium will select the proposals to build the programme. The reply to the lecturers will be given early in July 2008.